General theory of social organization asа
ааааааааааааааааа foundation of the
modern theory of society
ааааааааааааааааааа (paper prepared for the 5 th
European conference
аааааааааааааааааааааааа of
sociology,Helsinki,August 2001)
Ladies and gentlemen.
As you all know,sociology is the sience about society. Kont,Spencer, Durkheim,
Sorokin,Parsons examined society as whole social system and they believed, that
their followers will continue the system (holos) approach.
ааа However,looking through proceedings
of this and previous conferenses,Iа have
not looked for any paper,where society examined as integral social unit.
Many colleagues,probably,are thinking,that by studing individual institutes and
fragmentsа of society,they are learning
society as a wholeness so much the better.
ThatТs right but only if somebody analysis separate knoweledges and compose of
them general pattern (model) of society.
ааа In short,I call up to deal with not
only separate institutions and fragments of society but society as a wholeness.
аа In accordance with that,I would like
to pay your attention to the theory,that can be use as the basis of the modern
theory of society as I think.
аа Gentral theory of social organization
(GTSO) Ц is the new scientific stream in Russian sociology,calling to integrate
knowleledges social siences for studying social organizations,their designing
and improving.
аа We understand a social organization
as a relatively stable and integral sosial unit which manifests reasonable
behaviour like a live organism.In this definition reasonable behaviour means
ability of organizations to adequately respond on challenges, orа ability to revealа and solve social problems.This ability lets the organization
safegard its integrity (wholessness) and vitality over a long period of time.
аа So wide undestanding allows to
widenа class of social organization and
include in its not only as formal organizations of an artificial origin (firm,
enterprise, establishment), but also as natural and mixed (natural-artificial)
organization, including informal groups, families, settlements,cities, parties,
public movements, and mostly, society.
аа Every human is born,lives,works and
dies in social organizations (the family, kindergarten,school,college,working
collective,city,nation etc.) which make him obey their laws,and the quality of
human life depends on the humanism and democratism of these laws.Taking into
consideration that the existing social organisations are far from
perfection,the general possibilityа of
improving the quality of human life lies in improving the existing
organizations Ц artificial and natural Ц and also in creating new,more
developed,organizations.This isа main
task and goal of the GTSO.
ааа From the position GTSO,the
boundaryа betweenа society and organization have got artificial
character caused byа dividing of social
siences,therefore GTSO can be used as basis of the modern theory of society.
ааа According to the GTSO, all species
of societiesа have got general features,
to which concern entirety and stability, presence of organizational culture,
regulated behavior and activity of the members of organizations, ability to
self-development and self-training, ability of organizationsа to reveal and to solve the social problems,
understood as deviation from the standard socialа norms.
From the mentioned above features major is
last.This feature is unique and at the same time least investigated,though it
result in new understanding of principles of functioning of societies.
Depending on specificity of soluble social
problems in societiesа the various means
and ways of the decision of problems are used. So for the decision of ordinary
problems there are enough of managerial means. For the decision of unordinary
problems it is required to create and to enter new samples of social culture
(SSC) as new social institutes, social norms, organizational systems and
structures, values, innovations, technologies.
Analyzing the known concepts of social
development (structural, institutional, innovational), and also taking into
account, that the introduction of new SSC is connected to replacement old, we
came to a conclusion, that the process of social development is expedient for
considering as process of reproduction of social culture connected with
replacement of old SSC by new ones. This process can be carried out natural,
artificial (formal) and mixed way. In the first case the SSC fastening
(consolidating) in social culture is carried out with the help of public
opinion, in second Ч with the help of legitimacy authority. In real life the
mixed development is observed, when one part SSC is fixed by a natural way, and
another - artificial. In modern societiesа
the significant part of organizational culture is reproduced by an
artificial way, that confirm the thesis about managerial character of public
Proceeding from the accepted performance about
society as the steady social integrity deciding the problems, is followed by
new performance about social (public) administration confirming the thesis that
social administrationа differs from
management and is notа means of
achievement of the purposes of organization, but means of its survival. It is
provided first of all with the fact thatа
society carries out functions connected to revealing of social problems
by recognition, sorting, research, preparation of the decisions, control of
realization of the decisions, analysis of results of the decisions.
the development of the society can be controlled, therefore the functions of
social (public) administration includes the functions of public development
administration, connected with the reproduction of organizational culture,
including legal regulation, structural regulation, value regulation, innovation
management, international regulation, and also the classical functions of
management and administration of law-enforcement activity.
The legal regulation means the ability to solve
the problems with the help of the law and provides creation of new laws,
correcting the old ones. It provides legislative consolidating or prohibition
of the natural laws, and also changing or cancellation of the existing laws
depending on the received results.
The structural regulation means the ability to
solve problems with the help of creation and lounging the new or consolidating
(or prohibition) the existing organizational structures, social institutes,
specially created organizations, and provides the development of new
organizational systems, and also change the old systems.
The value regulation consists in purposeful
changing of social values with the aim to solve the social problems. It
provides formation, fastening or prohibition of social values their correcting
depending on the received results.
innovation management means the development and lounging of their own innovations
or using anotherТs to solve the social problems. It fastens and (or) prohibits
the innovations.
The international regulation means the ability
to solve the general problems by temporary or constant uniting of several
societies. It assumes creation of the contracts, unions, associations and other
kinds of communities.
From offered list of functions of social
(public) administration follows, that the classical functions of management
(planning, organization, guidance, coordination, supervision) make less than
half of all functions of social (public) administration, that in many respects
explains unsuccessful attempts of public administration with the help in basic
these functions.
Some of the specified functions (in particular,
function of management of social problems and the functions of development)
have hidden (implicit, latent) or partly hidden character, that results in a
conclusion about necessity institualisation latent functions of social
administration and perfection of their performance.
The mentioned above functions of public
administration provide surviveness of society with the help of the unique
social mechanism, which can conditionally divide (share) into two parts:
- executive mechanism which is carrying out the
current decision of problems with the help of functions and methods of
- mechanism of development which is carrying
out management by problems and public development administration.
аа The similar performance about social
mechanism well coordinated to performance about the state mechanism as sets of
bodies representative (legislative) and executive, including judicial,
authority. In difference from state mechanism, social mechanism has latent
(latent, shadow) part. It has illegitimate character, however, it can play a
main role in public administration.
ааа Taking into account complexity of
societies and their social mechanisms, question on their origin and evolution
is very interesting. Therefore there were made analysis of known conceptual
models of social evolution (stage-formational,civilazational etc), were
revealed there rational parts, on the basis of which synthesis the integrated
concept named tectological is offered according to which the social evolution
is considered as controlled process of organizational construction. In other
words, the social evolution is offered to be considered not as smooth process
of transformation of one species in another, and as the discrete process of
speciesforming, at which each new species of society "grows" not from
one previous, but from elements of all previous species.
Thus there is "assembly" of steadier
structures from less steady. As this "assembly" is carried out at
active participation of the man, hence there is a real opportunity to select
for this purpose really useful SSC, making thus process of social evolution
controlled. The given concept is development of tectological ideas of
For improving working societies we offers three new
methods: functional-diagnostically, cognitive government and лof the brain
centre╗. The first method is connected to perfection of performance of latent
functions of social administration, second - with introduction of new
technology of social administration (technology of cognitive government), third
- with creation in societies (organizations)а
лbrain centers╗, providing their steady development.
УBrain centersФ (or centers of developmentФ) must unite sociologists,social
administrators,social psychologists,lawyers,economiststs,politologists,and
other specialists in order to cope with complicated social problems which
society confront at different levelsа
and in various spheres of activity.
аааааа Realizations of the offered
approach need new generation of the social engineers and social administrators,
which preparation is carried out in Academy of sociology and administration of
the Moscow State Social University.
Thank you for attention.
Franchuk V.I.(Russia,MSSU) General
theory of social organization as foundation ofааа modern theory of societies
ааа Though the founders of sociology
considered it as a science called to integrate social science (the economic and
political theories, a history, law sciences, sciences about state), now it
experiences deep crisis connected to a separation from historical roots,
uncontrollable splitting, loss of the identity. The proceeding process of
sociology splitting numerous branch sociologies and micro sociologies results
in difficulty of mutual understanding between the sociologists, erects between
them language barriers. Overcoming of sociology crisis needs reunderstanding of
its past, reassessment of its purposes and tasks, object and subject of
research, and also comprehension of the responsibility of sociology before a
call of a history.
To be really лscience of sciences╗, integrating
knowledge saved by public sciences, sociology should base on new theory of
communities, which should be created, and, accordingly, on new models of public
development. This theory should be "nucleus" of new sociology forming
it and determining a directions of the further development.
The attempts of creation theories and models of
societies were undertaken earlier (Kont, Spenser, Durkgeim, Marks, Weber,
Luman, Sorokin), however they almost have stopped after T. Parsons, that can be
explained by sharp increasing of complexity of integration of knowledge in
conditions of uncontrollable differentiation of social sciences.
Below is examined opportunity of creation of
the modern theory of societies on the basis of the general theory of social
organizations (GTSO), from which position the society is social organization
considered as rather steady social integrity (a social generality), showing
reasonable behavior similarly to alive organism. Thus the reasonable behavior
means ability to adequately respond on calls, or ability to solve the problems
(to satisfy the needs) with the help of social institutes, innovation and other
samples of organizational culture (SOC).
So wide understanding allows to understand
social organizations not only as formal organizations of an artificial origin
(firm, enterprise, establishment), but also as natural and mixed
(natural-artificial) organization, including informal groups, family,
settlement, city, parties and public movements, and also society.
Despite of essential distinctions between
natural and artificial organizations, they are unite by general features, to
which concern entirety and stability, presence of organizational culture,
regulated behavior and activity of the members of organizations, ability to
self-development and self-training, ability of organizations to respond on
calls, or ability to reveal and to solve the problems, understood as deviation
from the standard socialа norms.
From the mentioned above features major is
last, cause it influence on it. This feature is unique and at the same time
least investigated, though it results in new understanding of principles of
functioning of organizations.
Depending on specificity of soluble problems in
organizations the various means and ways of the decision of problems are used.
So for the decision of ordinary problems there are enough of managerial means.
For the decision of unordinary problems it is required to create and to enter
new samples of organizational culture (SOC) as new social institutes, social
norms, organizational systems and structures, values, innovations,
Analyzing the known concepts of organizational
development (structural, institutional, innovational, cultural), and also
taking into account, that the introduction of new SOC is connected to
replacement old, we came to a conclusion, that the process of organizational
development is expedient for considering as process of reproduction of
organizational culture connected with replacement of old SOC by new ones. This
process can be carried out natural, artificial (formal) and mixed way. In the
first case the SOC fastening (consolidating) in organizational culture is
carried out with the help of public opinion, in second Ч with the help of
legitimacy authority. In real life the mixed development is observed, when one
part SOC is fixed by a natural way, and another - artificial. As in artificial
and natural - artificial organizations the significant part of organizational
culture is reproduced by an artificial way, hence GTSO confirms a conclusion
about basic ability of managment of organizational development, which concerns
to public development.
Proceeding from the accepted performance about
organization (society) as the steady social integrity deciding the problems, is
followed by new performance about social (public) administration confirming the
thesis that it differs from management and is not only means of achievement of
the purposes of organization, but also means of its survival. It is provided
first of all with the fact that the organization carries out functions
connected to revealing of social problems by recognition, sorting, research,
preparation of the decisions, control of realization of the decisions, analysis
of results of the decisions.
the development of the organization can be controlled, therefore the functions
of social administration includes the functions of organizational development
administration, connected with the reproduction of organizational culture,
including legal regulation, structural regulation, value regulation, innovation
management, interorganizational regulation, and also the classical functions of
management and administration of law-enforcement activity.
The legal regulation means the ability to solve
the problems with the help of the law and provides creation of new laws,
correcting the old ones. It provides legislative consolidating or prohibition
of the natural laws, and also changing or cancellation of the existing laws
depending on the received results.
The structural regulation means the ability to
solve problems with the help of creation and lounging the new or consolidating
(or prohibition) the existing organizational structures, social institutes,
specially created organizations, and provides the development of new organizational
systems, and also change the old systems.
The value regulation consists in purposeful
changing of social values with the aim to solve the social problems. It
provides formation, fastening or prohibition of social values their correcting
depending on the received results.
innovation management means the development and lounging of their own
innovations or using anotherТs to solve the social problems. It fastens and
(or) prohibits the innovations.
The interorganizational regulation means the
ability to solve the general problems by temporary or constant uniting of
several organizations. It assumes creation of the contracts, unions,
associations and other kinds of communities.
From offered structure of functions of social
(public) administration follows, that the classical functions of management
(planning, organization, guidance, coordination, supervision) make less than
half of all functions of social administration, that in many respects explains
unsuccessful attempts of management of a society with the help in basic these
Some of the specified functions (in particular,
function of management of problems of organization and the functions of
development) have hidden (implicit, latent) or partly hidden character, that
results in a conclusion about necessity institualisation latent and functions
of management and perfection of their performance.
The mentioned above functions provide
surviveness of social organization with the help of the unique social mechanism
(SM), which can conditionally divide(share) into two parts:
- Executive mechanism which is carrying out the
current decision of problems with the help of functions and methods of
- Mechanism of development which is carrying
out management by problems and management by organizational development.
The similar performance about SM well
coordinated to performance about the state mechanism as sets of bodies
representative (legislative) and executive, including judicial, authority.
To the order by an apparent (official) part, SM
has latent (latent, shadow) part. It has illegitimate character, however, it
can play a main role in management of a society.
Taking into account complexity of modern social
organizations, including a society, and their social mechanisms, question on
their origin and evolution is very interesting. Therefore there were made
analysis of known conceptual models of social evolution, were revealed there
rational parts, on the basis of which synthesis the integrated concept named
tectological is offered according to which the social evolution is considered
as controlled process of organizational construction. In other words, the
social evolution is offered to be considered not as smooth process of
transformation of one species in another, and as the discrete process of
speciesforming, at which each new species of society "grows" not from
one previous, but from elements of all previous species.
Thus there is "assembly" of steadier
structures from less steady. As this "assembly" is carried out at
active participation of the man, hence there is a real opportunity to select
for this purpose really useful SOC, making thus process of social evolution
controlled. The given concept is development of tectological ideas of
For designing modern organizations and perfection working GTSO offers three new methods: functional-diagnostically, cognitive government and лof the brain centre╗. The first method is connected to perfection of performance of latent functions of social administration, second - with introduction of new technology of social administration (technology of cognitive government), third - with creation in organizations лbrain centers╗, providing their steady development. Realizations of the offered approach need new generation of the social engineers and social administrators, which preparation is carried out in Academy of sociology and administration of the Moscow state social university.